At Luca Pets, we do everything we can to simplify and source materials that are both kinder to the planet and safe for the pets we care for. But packaging is just one piece, where it goes when you are done, another.

There are currently over 300 million pet food bags ending up in landfills. This is why we adopt Terracycle's Zero Waste Box Program to properly recycle our dog treats' pouches.

We encourage our customers to return their empty dog treats packaging to us. Everything collected through Zero Waste Box is sorted and processed into raw materials that can be reused instead of being sent to landfills.

Let’s Recycle Your Empties

  • Step One

    Fill out the form below to request a prepaid shipping label

  • Step Two

    Collect and pack your empty Luca Pets treat pouches

  • Step Three

    Print your free shipping label, attach it to your package, and drop it in the mail